Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray has calories and fat!

Folks, be careful and make sure you read the labels VERY carefully before using certain "low" or "no" calorie foods in abundance. I made the mistake of using the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray, ICBINB spray for short, in all of my recipes replacing all butter and margarine, thinking I was saving calories and fat. Come to find out, it almost as bad as butter or margarine in high quantities!

A bottle of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray has over 900 calories and 90 grams of fat! One teaspoon has 20 calories and 2 grams of fat. A tablespoon has 60 calories and 6 grams of fat! I was using two tablespoons (120 calories, 12 grams of fat- eek!) of ICBINB spray in place of the oil for popcorn while microwaving it, as it gives it a nice buttery taste. I thought there was no calories, so I didn't hesitate using it generously on foods like popcorn, to get my butter taste. Imagine my surprise when I found out my 120 calorie snack doubled and had accumulated 12 grams of fat along the way, using the spray in that quantity! YIKES! No wonder I wasn't losing any weight replacing butter and margarine with the spray. Shame on me for not investigating the ingredients.

Hopefully, you all already know this, and I am the only dolt out here that was foolish enough to think that the entire bottle would be calorie and fat free. I mean, why don't they specify on the bottle that there IS calories and fat after a certain amount of sprays? Even just list one teaspoon is the equivalent to 20 calories and 2 grams of fat so people are aware that there is indeed calories and fat in it the more you use it. Folks like me, who missed the memo that there was oil in there (well, duh, what else would be in there!), do foolish things like replacing butter and margarine in everything they cook, thinking they were safe from excess fat and calories.

Now, I'm not saying not to use it- it still is a heck of a lot better than spreading a mound of butter on your toast or corn on the cob. Just make sure you don't go beyond the "5 sprays", or the calories will start to add up. Keep in mind, 12.5 sprays is 10 calories and 1 gram of fat, and that one tablespoon of ICBINB spray is 60 calories and 6 grams of fat, as noted above. It still is much better than butter at 102 calories and 11 grams of fat per tablespoon or margarine at 90-99 calories and also 10-11 grams of fat per tablespoon. Just make sure you don't spray hoards of it on, or you won't benefit from it at all. :)


Shannon said...

Thanks for this! I would have done the same thing. Lucky, I just never think to butter anything to get myself in that quadry!

Jasmine's Journey said...

Come to find out, it almost as bad as butter or margarine in high quantities!

When I first started my journey I used to love to spray this on my popcorn. After further research I realized some of these "butters" are one step away from plastic. I have since decided whole foods is best. That real fats in moderation is the way to go. I use only grade AA butter now.

HockeyLady said...

daimere- glad to help. This trying to get healthy business is like doing a research paper in college, isn't it? I find that one must always research every little item to be on the safe side, and if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

Thanks for dropping by and I hope you visit again soon!


HockeyLady said...


Glad I'm not the only one who used it on popcorn. Damn, it tasted great on there, and I was so excited that my popcorn could have a flavor to it without any additional calories- HA!

I do use Smart Balance with flax seed oil now instead of the spray. Although, if I plan on using just a little bit of it, it sometimes is still a better alternative than margarine, but not by much.

Great to see you again, Jasmine- love your blog, will be a frequent visitor. :)

Thanks for stopping by, chum. I'll always remember the laugh you gave us all on the board when you broke your scale- LOL. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do that and now I think of you when I get the urge and start laughing. :D