Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wendie Plan in Calories and Points

Many folks, including myself, hit weight loss plateaus. Very frustrating indeed! You get on a roll, lose a certain amount of weight, then......nothing. You workout longer, watch every morsel, and perhaps you even cut out a few more calories everyday, and still, nothing works.

What to do? Well, one afternoon, I was looking for an answer to my dilemma, anything to help me get the weight off again, even if it was just a half a pound a week. So, I went searching on the net, and I found the "Wendie Plan". Those who are on Weight Watchers may be familiar with her plan. However, I am not on Weight Watchers, preferring to count calories myself. So, using the Wendie Plan, I figured out how many calories are equal to Weight Watchers points, and have decided to try and see if it works. Others who are counting calories have tried this method with very good success. I am going to try it myself, and chart my progress.

For those who, like myself, would like to just know what this method is in calories only, I have created a chart below that lists the Weight Watchers points and the equivalent of calories on the Wendie Plan.
I am going to have my Super High Days on Sundays, as that is the one day a week our family has a sit down dinner, or goes out to eat when we're doing something together or visiting family or friends.

I'm hope this point/calorie conversion will help you out! Please let me know how you're doing on this, if you're following the Wendie Plan. I'd love to hear from you!
Good luck, and here's to our weight loss success!

Weight less than 150 pounds:

Day 1- 20 points, 1000 calories
Day 2- 25 points, 1250 calories
Day 3- 21 points, 1050 calories
Day 4- 35 points,1750 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 20 points, 1000 calories
Day 6- 24 points, 1200 calories
Day 7- 22 points, 1100 calories

Average calories per day: 1200

Weight 150-174 pounds

Day 1- 22 points, 1100 calories
Day 2- 23 points, 1350 calories
Day 3- 23 points, 1150 calories
Day 4- 37 points, 1850 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 22 points, 1100 calories
Day 6- 26 points, 1300 calories
Day 7- 24 points, 1200 calories

Average calories per day: 1300

Weight 175-199 pounds

Day 1- 24 points, 1100 calories
Day 2- 29 points, 1450 calories
Day 3- 25 points, 1250 calories
Day 4- 39 points, 1950 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 24 points, 1100 calories
Day 6- 28 points, 1400 calories
Day 7- 26 points, 1200 calories

Average calories per day: 1350

Weight 200-224 pounds-

Day 1- 26 points, 1200 calories
Day 2- 31 points, 1550 calories
Day 3- 27 points, 1350 calories
Day 4- 41 points, 2050 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 26 points, 1200 calories
Day 6- 30 points, 1500 calories
Day 7- 28 points, 1400 calories

Average calories per day: 1450

Weight 225-249 pounds-

Day 1- 28 points, 1400 calories
Day 2- 33 points, 1650 calories
Day 3- 29 points, 1450 calories
Day 4- 43 points, 2150 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 28 points, 1400 calories
Day 6- 32 points, 1600 calories
Day 7- 30 points, 1500 calories

Average calories per day: 1600

Weight 250-274 pounds

Day 1- 30 points, 1500 calories
Day 2- 35 points, 1750 calories
Day 3- 31 points, 1550 calories
Day 4- 45 points, 2250 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 30 points, 1500 calories
Day 6- 34 points, 1700 calories
Day 7- 32 points, 1600 calories

Average calories per day: 1700

Weight 275-299 pounds

Day 1- 31 points, 1550 calories
Day 2- 36 points, 1800 calories
Day 3- 32 points, 1600 calories
Day 4- 46 points, 2300 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 31 points, 1550 calories
Day 6- 35 points, 1750 calories
Day 7- 33 points, 1650 calories

Average calories per day: 1750

Weight 300-324 pounds

Day 1- 32 points, 1600 calories
Day 2- 37 points, 1850 calories
Day 3- 33 points, 1650 calories
Day 4- 47 points, 2350 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 32 points, 1600 calories
Day 6- 36 points, 1800 calories
Day 7-34 points, 1700 calories

Average calories per day: 1800

Weight 325-349 pounds

Day 1- 33 points, 1650 calories
Day 2- 38 points, 1900 calories
Day 3- 34 points, 1700 calories
Day 4- 48 points, 2400 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 33 points, 1650 calories
Day 6- 37 points, 1850 calories
Day 7- 35 points, 1750 calories

Average calories per day: 1850

Weight 350 pounds or more

Day 1- 34 points, 1700 calories
Day 2- 39 points, 1950 calories
Day 3- 35 points, 1750 calories
Day 4- 49 points, 2450 calories (Super High Day)
Day 5- 34 points, 1700 calories
Day 6- 38 points, 1900 calories
Day 7- 36 points, 1800 calories

Average calories per day: 1900


Liz said...

I'm so excited to have found this conversion. I've looked around a little online and could never find a calorie version of the wendie plan - just points. I do the 3-hr diet and have just haphazarly varied my calories. It seems to be working because I've lost 50+ lbs since January. I'll be curious to see how the "real" plan will work for me. THANKS for sharing

PS - I found your blog through the forums

HockeyLady said...


Thankyou for stopping by! I am so glad that my blog helped you convert the Wendie Plan into calories. It's been very successful for me so far, and I love it because I can still eat the foods I love, just cut down on them. I also do the every three hour diet on this plan, as it keeps the hunger at bay for me. I have mini calorie snacks in between meals, such as one Babybel Reduced Calorie cheese wheel (50 calories) or a tablespoon of cranberries. On my high days, I may have some popcorn.

Congratulations on your weight loss! That is wonderful!!! I bet you feel so much better getting that weight off- I know I feel better everyday that I do this. :)

Sinead said...
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Sinead said...

Thanks so much for the conversion! I've been watching my calories and exercising but hit a plateau and needed something to get me going again. I think this will help!

Jasmine's Journey said...

I have been very successful with calorie counting. As long as I stick to plan. ;)

HockeyLady said...

Glad to help, sinead. It get the weight off without any plateaus. I just recently started up again after a small diversion from calorie counting since Labor Day weekend. I got so busy that I took the easy route and thought I could just guess portion controls instead of weighing and counting- big mistake, especially when you have a lot of weight to lose like I do. Back on track again, and finding the time for me once again.

Thanks for stopping by!


HockeyLady said...

I hear you, Jasmine about the sticking to plan. We WILL succeed at this, LOL. Even if I have to break my calorie counting scale for not letting me have more food (the good stuff, that is), heh heh.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the calorie equiv. I hate WW point system. I hit a plateau very early this time (5 lbs) after faithful eating, logging and exercise. Hope this helps.

HockeyLady said...

You're welcome, Diane! Sorry I didn't respond sooner- I haven't been on here for a long time. Lots going on this past year, hopefully, I'm going to make more time to maintain this blog again. It really does help keep me going when I blog.

HockeyLady said...

You're welcome, Diane! Sorry I didn't respond sooner- I haven't been on here for a long time. Lots going on this past year, hopefully, I'm going to make more time to maintain this blog again. It really does help keep me going when I blog.