Of course, the nearest indoor track closest to me that is open to the community is over an hour and fifteen minutes away. I've searched everywhere in New Hampshire, and that's the closest one near me. There is a mall in Bedford that supposedly allows mall walking before the mall opens for the day, but two problems exist for me: 1. too far away 2. I don't feel like walking the mall in the morning! Oh, and forget about walking the mall when it's open- all those people walking into you, and not to mention the temptation to buy things you don't really want or need.
If I had the money, I'd set up an indoor track for folks to use for walking, jogging, and running indoors and then afterwards, folks could go swimming in the indoor pool and relax in the hot tub or sauna. Take a nice, hot shower afterwards. Forget the exercise machines, give me a walking track!!!! I don't want to lift weights. I don't want to ride the elliptical- my youngest daughter has one, and the longest I last on it is 2 minutes, due to the fact it kills my knees. Treadmills are boring. I don't mind the exercise bikes, but they, too, get boring. Biking around an indoor track, on the other hand, might be fun!
Give me a nice track, with some visuals around it to feel like you're outdoors. Grow a garden there, have some butterflies flying around. Have a rock garden with a flowing brook around it and a waterfall at another area. Maybe have the sound of birds on speakers (I don't recommend having birds in my indoor track in case they, er, crap on you while you're walking. Not to mention, they need to be fed and cared for. A nice tape of them chirping softly in the background is good enough for me, for those who don't bring their walkmans.
How nice it would be, in the winter time up here, to be able to put on a pair of shorts and a T shirt, put on your Sony Walkman to your favorite music and just be able to walk in peace, warmth and safety. Who feels like walking in the bitter cold during the winter, especially at night? Winter brings earlier sunsets, and it sucks for folks who's only chance to exercise is at that time. It can be very scary for a woman to walk alone anywhere at night, even though it is my favorite time of the day to walk.
Why aren't there more indoor tracks for folks to use? And why do those places that have them close down early?
Ah, if I only had some money.........dream, dream, dream!